Prepare Bright Smiles for a New School Year
Whether we’re ready or not, summer is drawing to a close and it’s time to get the kids ready for the start of a new school year! SW Portland, Oregon dentists Dr. Todd Beck and Dr. Jacob Morrow at South Waterfront Dental encourage families to follow this checklist of ways to prepare your child’s bright smile to head back to school.
A Solid Dental Routine
The lazy days and evenings of summer provide the perfect opportunity to lose sight of regular routines like bedtimes, chores, meal times and even daily dental hygiene. The start of the new school year is an ideal time to re-establish important routines. Redirect your children to brushing and flossing their teeth regularly, and set up a schedule they can start following now that can be easily adapted to the beginning of school.
Pack the Pantry for Dental Care
Another area to grab control of after hazy summer days is the pantry. After weeks of day trips, camping, and vacations, it could be that the pantry has gotten full of more refined convenience foods or a little slim from all of the traveling far from home. Help establish good lunch and snack habits with kids to protect their smiles, getting rid of chips and cookies (and additional refined food that’s high in sugar) and replace them with fruits and vegetables. Pair carrots and celery slices with hummus or apples with peanut butter or cheese for a nutritious and filling addition to your child’s lunch box.
Supplies for a Bright Smile
Although there are plenty of ads out there for discounts on school supplies, we all forget that our smile needs new supplies throughout the year as well. While shopping for school supplies with your kids, pick up some new toothpaste and floss in fun or unusual flavors, and grab a few different kinds of new toothbrushes. To give your child more ownership, let him or her pick out which new “smile supplies” they’d like to use now that school is starting and good dental routines are being re-established. If possible, buy travel-sized toothbrushes and toothpaste to stash in your child’s backpack for a quick tooth brushing after lunch!
Protect That Bright Smile
Sports can effectively and quickly damage your child’s smile if it isn’t protected. If your child plays sports, help him or her protect teeth and gums through the use of a good mouthguard. Made of a dense plastic material, mouthguards can be specifically fitted to each child’s mouth for maximum comfort and protection.
Schedule an Appointment
Nothing protects your child’s teeth like a trip to the dentist! Take advantage of this time before school starts to visit Dentists in Portland, OR Dr. Todd Beck and Dr. Jacob Morrow for a teeth cleaning and exam. Call 503-841-5658 to make your personal appointment at South Waterfront Dental.
Photo Credit: Ehsan Khakbaz H. via Compfight